Sunday, September 8, 2024

RFK Jr.: Biden Posews a Bigger Threat to Democracy than Trump Ever Did – Here’s Why

RFK Jr.: Biden Posews a Bigger Threat to Democracy than Trump Ever Did – Here’s Why

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent environmental activist and former Democratic candidate, has raised alarming concerns about the state of American democracy under President Joe Biden. In a recent interview with

The Defender Podcast

, Kennedy expressed his concerns, stating that he believes Biden poses a bigger threat to democracy than even Donald Trump ever did.



is the most corrupt and incompetent in American history. It’s not just that they’re incompetent, it’s that they are dishonest, and they’re lying to the American people on an unprecedented scale,” Kennedy said.

One of the key issues Kennedy cited is

vaccine mandates

. He believes that Biden’s push for mandatory vaccinations, especially the COVID-19 vaccine, is a direct threat to individual freedom and autonomy.

“The Biden administration has

declared war on the Bill of Rights

, particularly the First and Fourth Amendments, in the name of public health,” Kennedy stated.

Another issue Kennedy raised is censorship. He believes that the Biden administration, through its support of social media companies, is suppressing free speech and engaging in propaganda.

“They’re trying to rewrite history and they’re trying to control the narrative, and they’re doing it with the complicity of Silicon Valley monopolies who have complete control over information,” Kennedy warned.

Kennedy also criticized Biden’s handling of the border crisis, calling it a “disgrace” and a “betrayal” to American values. He believes that Biden’s policies are contributing to the erosion of democracy, both domestically and internationally.

“I think this is a pivotal moment in American history, and it’s not just about Joe Biden or any particular administration. It’s about where we go as a country,” Kennedy concluded.

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I. Introduction

Robert Francis “RFK Jr.” Kennedy, a prominent American lawyer, environmental activist, and member of the influential Kennedy family, has recently stirred controversy by voicing his concerns over President Joe Biden’s impact on American democracy. Bold and italic text for emphasis. Though known for his liberal political stance, Kennedy’s latest claim has raised eyebrows among many in the political sphere.

Brief background on RFK Jr. and his political views

A nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy, RFK Jr. has been an advocate for various causes including environmental issues and vaccine safety. He has been a vocal critic of the pharmaceutical industry and has publicly questioned the safety and efficacy of vaccines, particularly those used in children.

Statement of the controversial claim: “Biden poses a bigger threat to democracy than Trump ever did”

In a recent interview, RFK Jr. made headlines by stating that he believes President Biden poses a greater threat to American democracy than former President Donald Trump ever did. This provocative statement has sparked heated debates among pundits, politicians, and the public alike. Kennedy’s rationale for this claim remains a topic of much discussion, with some interpreting it as a reflection of his disillusionment with the current political climate and others viewing it as a politically motivated statement.

Understanding the Context: The Shift from Trump to Biden

. Understanding the context of the current political climate in the United States requires an analysis of the shift from the presidency of Donald J. Trump to that of Joe Biden.

Overview of the 2016 and 2020 Presidential Elections

The 2016 presidential election saw an unprecedented outcome when Donald J. Trump, a businessman and reality TV star, defeated the former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton. Trump’s controversial campaign style and policies sparked both support and opposition. His promises to “Make America Great Again” resonated with some voters, while his divisive rhetoric and controversial statements raised concerns among others. The election results were a surprise to many and marked a significant shift in American politics.

Explanation of Trump’s controversial presidency and its impact on democracy

During his four years in office, Trump’s presidency was characterized by numerous controversial actions. He frequently used social media to bypass traditional news outlets and communicate directly with his supporters. His administration faced multiple investigations, including the Mueller Report into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic was also criticized, with many feeling that his response was slow and inadequate. His divisive rhetoric deepened political divisions within the country, leading to widespread unrest and protests.

Impact on Democracy

The impact of Trump’s presidency on American democracy remains a topic of debate. Some argue that his actions undermined democratic institutions, while others maintain that the system held strong despite the challenges. The polarization of American politics was evident in the stark divide between those who supported Trump and those who opposed him.

The Transition: Biden’s Inauguration and Early Administration

With Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election, there was a sense of optimism and hope for unity and healing. After a contentious transition period, Biden was inaugurated on January 20, 202His administration began with promises to address the COVID-19 pandemic and promote unity among Americans. However, early revelations of political division and manipulation within the Biden administration have cast a shadow over these initial optimistic sentiments.

Initial Optimism and Promises of Unity

During his inaugural address, President Biden emphasized the importance of unity and healing in the aftermath of a divisive period. He called for Americans to come together to tackle pressing issues such as the COVID-19 pandemic, economic recovery, and climate change.

The Shocking Revelations

However, the early days of Biden’s administration have been marked by shocking revelations about the extent of political division and manipulation within his own party. Allegations of corruption, cronyism, and nepotism have surfaced, threatening to undermine the president’s promises of unity and transparency.

RFK Jr.: Biden Posews a Bigger Threat to Democracy than Trump Ever Did - Here

I Reason 1: The Unprecedented Use of Executive Orders

Background on the use of executive orders in American politics

Executive orders have been a part of American politics since the early days of the republic. They are formal directives issued by the President that manage operations of the federal government without requiring approval from Congress. Historically, executive orders have been used to implement policy, streamline bureaucracy, and address pressing issues. However, their scope is limited to the executive branch, and they cannot override existing laws or the Constitution.

The unprecedented number of executive orders issued by Biden

With the inauguration of President Joe Biden, there has been an unprecedented surge in the use of executive orders. As of now, he has issued over 50 executive orders across various policy areas, including climate change, immigration, and COVID-19 response. These orders not only reverse some of the actions taken by his predecessor but also establish new policies that shape the administration’s agenda. Some orders address pressing issues like racial equity, while others focus on rejoining international agreements from which the U.S. had withdrawn.

Criticisms and concerns from political figures and experts

Constitutional scholars’ perspectives

The high volume of executive orders raises concerns from some constitutional scholars and political analysts. They argue that this potential for excessive reliance on executive orders could lead to an erosion of checks and balances, the separation of powers, and individual freedoms. They argue that Congress should have a more significant role in shaping policy.

The potential for future abuses of power under this precedent

Additionally, some critics argue that an over-reliance on executive orders could set a dangerous precedent for future administrations. They fear that future presidents might use this as an opportunity to overstep their constitutional bounds and ignore the legislative branch entirely.


The unprecedented use of executive orders by the Biden administration highlights the need for a healthy dialogue about their role in American politics. While they can be an effective tool for managing government operations and addressing pressing issues, it is essential to ensure that they are used judiciously and in a manner that respects the balance of powers established by our Constitution.

RFK Jr.: Biden Posews a Bigger Threat to Democracy than Trump Ever Did - Here

Reason 2: Suppression of Dissent and Criticism

In a democratic society, the freedom of speech is a cherished value that allows for open discourse and the exchange of diverse opinions. This is essential for the health and functioning of a democratic system, as it facilitates political debates that help shape policy and inform public opinion. However, in recent times, there have been concerns regarding the Biden administration’s approach to dissenting voices and critics, which could potentially have detrimental effects on democratic values.

The importance of open discourse and diverse opinions

In a democratic society, open discourse is crucial for allowing individuals to express their views and engage in meaningful debates. It is through these exchanges that new ideas are introduced, and existing ones are challenged and refined. This not only leads to a more informed public, but also fosters a vibrant civic culture where diverse perspectives are valued and respected.

The Biden administration’s crackdown on dissenting voices and critics

However, in the current political climate, there have been instances where this freedom of speech has come under threat. The Biden administration has been criticized for its efforts to suppress dissenting voices and critics, often using heavy-handed tactics that raise concerns about the erosion of democratic values. For instance, there have been reports of canceled rallies and censored social media accounts belonging to individuals or groups who express opinions that are deemed controversial or contrary to the administration’s stance.

Potential consequences of this trend for democracy and democratic values

The suppression of dissenting voices and critics could have serious consequences for the health of democratic societies. One potential consequence is a chilling effect on political discourse, as individuals and groups may become hesitant to express opinions that could be perceived as controversial or dissenting. This could lead to a narrowing of the political discourse and a lack of diversity in opinion, which is detrimental to the functioning of a democratic system.

Threats to the integrity of elections and public trust in institutions

Another potential consequence of this trend is a threat to the integrity of elections and public trust in institutions. The suppression of dissenting voices could create an environment where alternative viewpoints are silenced or marginalized, potentially leading to a lack of transparency and accountability in the democratic process. This, in turn, could undermine public trust in institutions and erode the foundations of democratic societies.

RFK Jr.: Biden Posews a Bigger Threat to Democracy than Trump Ever Did - Here

Reason 3: The Abandonment of Transparency and Accountability

Transparency is an essential component of democratic governance. Ensuring transparency in government operations is crucial for several reasons: it helps prevent corruption, maintains public confidence, and fosters trust in the institutions that serve the people. When governments operate in an open and transparent manner, citizens are able to hold their elected officials accountable for their actions. However, under the current administration of President Joe Biden, transparency has taken a back seat to closed-door decision making and limited access to information.

Importance of Transparency in Government Operations:

Ensuring Trust: A transparent government builds trust between the people and their elected officials. When citizens can see how their tax dollars are being spent, they are more likely to believe that their representatives are working in their best interests.

The Biden Administration’s Disregard for Transparency:

Closed-door Decision Making:

One of the most alarming trends under the Biden administration has been the increasing use of closed-door decision making. This lack of transparency was evident in the hurried passage of the American Rescue Plan Act, which was signed into law without giving members of Congress sufficient time to read and understand the bill. Similarly, the administration’s decision to rejoin the Paris Agreement without congressional approval raised concerns about accountability and the rule of law.

Limited Access to Information:

Example: Another example of the administration’s disregard for transparency is the limited access to information regarding migrant facilities at the southern border. While some images and videos have been released, there are still many questions about conditions in these facilities and the treatment of detainees.

Potential Consequences:

Threats to the Rule of Law and Equal Protection under the Law:

The abandonment of transparency can have serious consequences for democracy and democratic values. A lack of transparency threatens the rule of law, as citizens may not be able to hold their elected officials accountable for their actions. Furthermore, it can undermine equal protection under the law, as some individuals or groups may receive special treatment while others are left in the dark.


The importance of transparency in government cannot be overstated. It is essential for maintaining trust, preventing corruption, and upholding the rule of law. Unfortunately, under the Biden administration, transparency has taken a back seat to closed-door decision making and limited access to information. This trend is not only a threat to democratic values but also a potential recipe for corruption and a lack of accountability.

RFK Jr.: Biden Posews a Bigger Threat to Democracy than Trump Ever Did - Here

VI. Conclusion:

Call for Vigilance and Action

Recap of the reasons why Biden poses a bigger threat to democracy than Trump ever did

The past few years have shown that both the Republican and Democratic parties have their unique challenges when it comes to upholding democratic values. While former President Trump’s blatant disregard for truth, manipulation of facts, and attempts to undermine the electoral process were alarming, President Biden’s more subtle yet significant threats to democratic norms require our unwavering attention. Biden’s reliance on executive orders, his failure to address systemic issues like income inequality and climate change through bipartisan legislation, and his expansion of government surveillance and military action overseas are just a few examples.

The need for increased public awareness and engagement in democratic processes

Encouragement of active citizenship, informed voting, and civic education
Now more than ever, it’s crucial for individuals to become actively engaged in democratic processes. This includes being well-informed voters who educate themselves on candidates and issues before heading to the polls, as well as advocating for and supporting civic education initiatives in schools and communities.

The importance of standing up for democratic values and holding elected officials accountable

Calls to action, such as contacting representatives, participating in protests, and supporting organizations that uphold democratic principles.
In this critical moment for American democracy, it’s essential to take a proactive stance and hold elected officials accountable for their actions. This can include contacting representatives about legislation that affects democratic norms, participating in protests and rallies, and supporting organizations dedicated to upholding and strengthening democratic values.
